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Home Interview of Experts Around the World

If down, which sectors would be more serious in the devaluation?

Choices A lot down Somewhat down Stable Somewhat up A lot of increase
Agricultural land
Urban land
Industrial properties
Resort properties
Rental housing & rental apartments
Owner-occupied apartment or condominiums
Detached houses, rowhouses or low-rise residence
Residential land subdivision
Retirement living
When will the property markets recover after Covid-19?
What are ‘new normal’ in real estate in your opinion?
Online viewing, more on e commerce
How should we adjust ourselves in real estate business?
Equip with online tools , work at home and network more thru online for exchange listing and lead (buyer) generation
Which sectors are you in? (multiple choices)
Financier, Property Investor, Agent / broker

2020 Interview of 173 Experts around the World on Covid-19