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Home Interview of Experts Around the World

If down, which sectors would be more serious in the devaluation?

Choices A lot down Somewhat down Stable Somewhat up A lot of increase
Agricultural land
Urban land
Industrial properties
Resort properties
Rental housing & rental apartments
Owner-occupied apartment or condominiums
Detached houses, rowhouses or low-rise residence
Residential land subdivision
Retirement living
When will the property markets recover after Covid-19?
What are ‘new normal’ in real estate in your opinion?
We need to design and develop Eco-friendly design concepts giving utmost importance to basic natural elements. So that to have a sustainable growth and development.
How should we adjust ourselves in real estate business?
The pandemic will not be for longer period and the effects on humanity depends on the region, However we need to develop work-home-entertainment concepts to reduce travel, gathering in future.
Which sectors are you in? (multiple choices)
Developer, Builder / Contractor, Appraiser / Valuer, Other, specified
Other, specified:   Billiards and Snooker qualified player of the Karnataka State

2020 Interview of 173 Experts around the World on Covid-19