go Back 2021 Interview of 429 Experts around the World on Covid-19
When will the property markets recover after Covid-19?
Sector Answer
Agricultural land
Quarter 1/2023
Urban land
Quarter 4/2022
Quarter 2/2022
Quarter 2/2022
Industrial properties
Quarter 4/2022
Quarter 2/2022
Resort properties
Quarter 3/2022
Rental housing & rental apartments
Quarter 1/2023
Owner-occupied apartment or condominiums
Quarter 4/2022
Detached houses, rowhouses or low-rise residence
Quarter 4/2022
Residential land subdivision
Quarter 3/2022
Retirement living
Quarter 2/2023
Overall Assessment for your country
Quarter 1/2023
What are ‘new normal’ in real estate in your opinion?
CLOSE HOME RESIDENTIAL CONTRACTUAL MANUFACTURING COMMERCIAL SOBHA Indian Real Estate is emerging stronger with the new normal NOVEMBER 30th, 2020 Some of the credible players in India’s real estate has reinvented itself in order to comprehend, plan and implement innovative ways to stay ahead during this pandemic challenge. Strong emphasis on building credibility, financial strength, generating demand and fresh perspective has fueled the growth of the Indian real estate sector.
How should we adjust ourselves in real estate business?
We could adjust real etate through introduceing Private Public Partnership ,Goverent participation using geo informaticsc ,big data analysis and cost benifit analysis and optimization of economic and land utilization analysis using technology and different model in real estate business.All stakeholders should do Overall well marketing real estate as alternative best investment option in different form and concept in accordence with financial assets.
Which sectors are you in? (multiple choices)