go Back 2021 Interview of 429 Experts around the World on Covid-19
When will the property markets recover after Covid-19?
Sector Answer
Agricultural land
Urban land
Industrial properties
Quarter 4/2021
Resort properties
Quarter 4/2021
Rental housing & rental apartments
Owner-occupied apartment or condominiums
Detached houses, rowhouses or low-rise residence
Residential land subdivision
Retirement living
Overall Assessment for your country
What are ‘new normal’ in real estate in your opinion?
1 Wear mask in public area ,wear plastic glove at buffet line. 2 Social distancing at anywhere seating and body temperature detected. 3 Provide enough alcohol gel and wash basin in necessary places. 4 Wash and dry all linen supplies with high temperature. 5 All kitchen ware ,glass and dish must be oven heated. 6 Guest rooms have to be carefully cleaned and 48 hr.vacancy for next guests..
How should we adjust ourselves in real estate business?
1) 100% vaccine apply to all hotel staff and having special sign on uniform showing to guests. 2) Special gifts and signing brooches for the guests who have already vaccinated. 3) Reduce expenditure and labor cost while low occupancy rate. 4) Special option and discount for local seminar group. 5) Super low price for medical personnel. 6) Provide ginger tea and น้ำกระชายขาว at breakfast buffet line.
Which sectors are you in? (multiple choices)