go Back 2021 Interview of 429 Experts around the World on Covid-19
When will the property markets recover after Covid-19?
Sector Answer
Agricultural land
Quarter 1/2022
Urban land
Quarter 4/2021
Quarter 4/2022
Quarter 2/2022
Industrial properties
Quarter 4/2021
Quarter 2/2022
Resort properties
Quarter 2/2022
Rental housing & rental apartments
Quarter 4/2023
Owner-occupied apartment or condominiums
Quarter 1/2021
Detached houses, rowhouses or low-rise residence
Quarter 1/2021
Residential land subdivision
Quarter 3/2021
Retirement living
Quarter 2/2022
Overall Assessment for your country
Quarter 3/2022
What are ‘new normal’ in real estate in your opinion?
More people looking for single family homes, farm land, more self-sufficiency outside of the city. As remote work (WFH - Work From Home) changed the way many organizations operate, we have seen a major increase in residential home sales in 2021 and 2020 compared to 2019. This trend is projected to continue to increase. Less demand for apartment- and condo-living in major cities.
How should we adjust ourselves in real estate business?
By truly understanding what drives the demand in real estate and considering other economic factors such as crypto currency, stock investment, new technology; as well as other socioeconomic factors and political changes and change of power. Being informed by staying connected with other experts in different fields & industries and being agile are all important skills to maintain the adaptability in the market.
Which sectors are you in? (multiple choices)