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Upgrading Informal Settlements Worldwide
August 3, 2023 at 3 PM (Bangkok time)

At 3pm (Bangkok time), on August 3, 2023, Dr.Sopon Pornchokchai, President, Agency for Real Estate Affairs and President, FIABCI World Council of Experts organized a webinar on Upgrading Informal Settlements Worldwide.

The speaker is Prof. Yap Kioe Sheng retired from UNESCAP in Bangkok in June 2009. Before his retirement, he was Chief, Social Protection and Social Justice Section at UNESCAP, and in charge of the Centre for the Alleviation of Poverty through Secondary Crops (CAPSA) in Bogor, Indonesia. He worked for UN Habitat as well. He was teaching at the Asian Institute of Technology and is currently Honorary Professor at the Cardiff School of City and Regional Planning, Cardiff University. He wrote several books related to housing and urban development.